Wellness Options
At Quantum Leaps, we offer a variety of healing modalities so that you can access your inner wisdom and greater life force energy; the Inner Explorations.
i.e energy exchange
Annette is a registered Bodyworker. Studying at the New Mexico Academy of Healing Arts in Santa Fe, New Mexico, Annette attained her groundwork in Swedish massage techniques. She has also studied at the Esalen Institute in Big Sur California studying Advanced Esalen Massage techniques.
Annette has studied with the Upledger Institute her first 3 levels of Craniosacral Therapy. Benefits of Craniosacral treatments include: relaxation, health enhancement, relief from pain, and increase in energy. It is a clothes on technique that works with the inner wisdom of your body to guide to back to balance.
Breathwork is a powerful method of self exploration, personal transformation and healing. It is based on and combines insights from modern consciousness research, depth psychology and various spiritual practices. Through breathing, evocative music, and focused release work, non-ordinary states of consciousness are induced. These states allow mobilization of the spontaneous potential of the psyche. (this option is not available for Wellness packages)
Shamanic Drumming has been practised all over the world for about 100,000 years. Every culture had a “shaman woman/man” who would heal the people. Its very roots were based in Northern European Cultures and in all cultures the core elements of the practice are the same.
An easy way to rid your body of toxins and bring it into a more alkaline state. By simply soaking your feet in hot water, the foot spas electronic array (consisting of two polarized electrodes) will draw toxins from all of your cells. Detoxify, Re-balance, and Energize your body. Sessions are available for $50/person.
Our entire biological system, the brain, and the earth work on the same frequencies! Now we have the technology available to mimic this frequency as the PEMF Omnium1 Mat. A 24 minute session on the Mat will begin to help your cells revitalize.
The Labyrinth is the Language of Light made visible. It is the language of the Divine – Sacred Universal Geometry – a measure of the Divine in manifest form. As you walk the Labyrinth, you come to know it as a place where you can profoundly experience your soul’s longing … your innermost purpose and intent.
The Rainbow Wheel of Life is a place of quiet contemplation and a place to walk in reverence to Mother Earth.
We invite people to WALK, DANCE, and CELEBRATE in a sacred way around and within the Rainbow Spirit Wheel of Life. Journey around the Wheel in a clockwise direction,honoring the Four Directions. Then enter the spiral, moving into the centre for Prayer, Contemplation, or Meditation. Join with those who have walked before with many prayers from many journey’s. Experience the infinity of the sky and earth.
This trail provides you with the opportunity to immerse yourself in Nature. Arrive at the trailhead and you will take a sheet that lists all the “Invitations” for you to enjoy as you move down the 200m trail. At the end another box/sheet awaits you and you are invited to spend more time immersing in Nature.
The Transformational Labyrinth is a hero’s journey, a warrior’s walk! It starts at the Stargate, “the portal”. On one side is who you are now. When you walk through the doorway, that leads to who you wish to become! This Labyrinth can be completed in a couple of hours or done over a span of a couple days. You can dictate your own journey. Usually it is done alone, by yourself, for you to delve deeply into your inner journey, your transformation, and spend time in quiet contemplation.
Brian Olynek brings the ancient practice of Fire Walking into a contemporary setting while integrating the wisdom he acquired during his many visits to the Esalen Centre in California. Brian and Annette are inspiring teachers and motivators, always honouring that the fire is truly the teacher.
The sacred Sweat Lodge ceremony cleanses all four parts of the human body; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. People from all over the world, since the history of man begun, have been using sweat lodges as a tool for healing and ceremony for thousands of years. The Sweat Lodge will consist of four rounds, honoring each of the directions. This ritual is so profound, you will have the experience of being “reborn”, renewed, and cleansed.