Sweat Lodge Ceremony
The sacred Sweat Lodge Ceremony cleanses all four parts of the human body; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.
This contemporary Sweat Lodge Ceremony cleanses all four parts of the human body; mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.
This Sweat Lodge is located in Golden, British Columbia on 11 acres 17 km NW of the town in the beautiful Blaeberry Valley. It is located on the private land of Quantum Leaps Retreat Centre.
We offer a contemporary Sweat Lodge ceremony only for Groups of a minimum of 6-8 people as part of your sacred stay with us or as part of your organized group Retreat with us. For more information please call us at 1-800-716-2494 or email us.
Sweat Lodges are available from May to October. As part of your Groups experience, we require you to stay with us for 2 nights on the land, to begin the journey . For Accommodation information please visit our Accommodations page.
A donation (suggested $60/person) is needed to support the offering of this ceremony. A minimum of 6-8 people in a group is required to run a private ceremony. It takes a great amount of physical and spiritual energy (i.e firewood and around 4 hours of time) to hold a Sweat. It is also welcome that you bring a gift of Sage, Tobacco, or other Smudge. Traditionally, after a Sweat Lodge Ceremony, we Feast together. We can either provide that for you at $35/person or have a combined Potluck dinner together if desired.
At Quantum Leaps Retreats our Sweat Lodges are contemporary. What does this mean? That means that the Lodge is a Rainbow Lodge and shaped like Grandmother Spider with 13 legs. The energies and colors of the 13 Original Clan Mothers have been invited in to heal and guide us. The ancient ones support us all. All nations and all people are invited to partake in the lodge. There is not one tradition that creates our ceremony. The traditions and the ceremony though are sacred and done in a sacred way revering all 8 directions of the Rainbow Lodge, the elements, and our unlimited selves. It is a place of contemplation and prayer, to be in reverence with Mother Earth. We will drum, sing songs, and share prayers for healing.
Annette and Brian from Quantum Leaps Retreats have been holding space for this Ceremony for 15 years now. Annette was guided to start leading Sweat Lodge Ceremonies when Spirit nudged her during a Vision Quest. Brian adds his coyote energy to the Ceremony!