Shamanic Drumming
A Shamanic Drumming session is all about connecting to non-ordinary reality.
Shamanic practice is all about connecting to what is beyond into non-ordinary reality. The drummer is not the healer but rather the person who is drummed for makes themselves well. With the help of spirit guides, power animals etc., Shamanic work assists people in getting into balance and into wellness. The journey is taken while the drum beats and there is never any journey that the outcome is controlled or known. Only spirit knows what is highest and best for the person. It is an act of letting go and letting God, spirit, mother or whatever you wish to name “it” to bring the answers we need to heal ourselves and raise our consciousness.
Annette invites you to tap into this primordial tool, for the healing and practices continue today.
Annette first studied in 1999 under a wonderful Shaman named Manfred Lukas. She continued her studies in the three levels of Shamanic Work; intro, soul retrieval, and soul extraction. Since then the continued practice of Drumming with circles of friends and others has lead to a life long passion of the “Drum”.
Blessings and thank you for reading this.
If this healing is part of your path, I welcome you at any time.
For all sessions, there’s no time frame, the spirit will decide.
***PLEASE do not consume Alcohol before/the day of this healing session. Thank you!
“Quantum Leaps really supported my practice. The land and the energy that has been cultivated here is very inspiring and powerful. The Shamanic Drumming was very healing and insightful. Thank you for your work and sincerity and true gentleness. We’ll be back again soon!”